Slow Windows Logon? Enable Verbose Messages



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Slow Logons can be a real pain.  I am in the business of trying to create as fantastic a user experience as possible, so a 2 minute logon is not a good start, especially if we are talking about a non-persistent VDI environment where every logon is an initial logon!

Invariably there are numerous tweaks and optimisations that can be applied to speed the process up as much as possible but where do you even start?

The first thing I always do is to ensure that Verbose messaging is enabled.  I select this in the local policy of my master image (for VDI) or create a GPO for physical computers.

This gives you a visual idea of what may be responsible for delays in the process and has the added benefit of giving the user some progress updates, which in my experience changes the perception that the logon has sped up (despite being the same in real time).  The example below has a delayed UEM import but it could just as easily be something else (normally find it is group policy!).


So, as you can see, this is a great starting point and I like to enable this in all my deployments.

If you would like anymore information regarding VMware Workspace ONE, and Workspace Transformation, get in touch with one of our specialists today! 

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