The Checkpoints Of The Modern Workspace Journey: A Tailored Approach

We’ve said it once and we’ll say it again: the modern workspace journey is not one-size-fits-all. Each organisation has its own path, influenced by specific requirements and challenges.

If you caught our last blog, you‘ll know that the modern workspace isn’t just about the tech. It’s about considering the experiences of your users, implementing the right controls, and then putting the right technology to work. You’re looking for that magical combination that will unleash the power of the modern workspace. 

But remember, it’s an evolution, not a destination. So we’re going to take a deeper dive and walk you through the various checkpoints you’ll encounter along your way. Some will be more relevant than others depending on your organisation, but others are crucial to ensuring your workspace is secure, adaptable, and constantly evolving to meet your unique business needs.

First things first: defining communication standards and personas

Before you go any further, it’s crucial to have clear communication standards and well-defined personas. If you haven’t set these up yet, do it now – they’re the foundation of an effective modern workspace:

  • Communication standards: Set guidelines for how communication should flow within your organisation to avoid confusion and enhance collaboration.
  • Personas: Develop detailed personas to tailor experiences and tools to different roles and working styles within your organisation. Square pegs, round holes, and all that!

Security: build a digital fortress

Let’s talk security. As our work environments become more flexible and distributed, robust security measures are more important than ever and must be included at every stage of your modern workspace journey. Here’s what you need to focus on:

  • Regular security audits: Review your security posture regularly to spot and tackle risks. Tools like Microsoft 365 Secure Score can be super helpful here.
  • Comprehensive backup plans: Always have reliable backups, especially as part of Microsoft’s shared responsibility model. Think of backups as your safety net against data loss from cyber attacks, accidental deletions, or other unexpected events.
  • Advanced security solutions: Solutions like Microsoft Entra, Microsoft Purview and the Microsoft Defender portfolio offer a multi-layered defence strategy, protecting everything from identities to data and devices.

Continuous training and adaptations: empower your team

Staying up-to-date with new technologies and processes can be a minefield. And it requires ongoing training. Empowering your team with the right knowledge is key to maximising productivity and ensuring smooth transitions. Here’s how to do it:

  • Tailored training programmes: Create custom training sessions to ensure everyone gets the info they need in a way that works for them.
  • Continuous learning opportunities: Foster a culture of continuous improvement by offering resources to keep your team updated on the latest tools and best practices. 
  • Onboarding processes: Make sure new hires are quickly brought up to speed with your modern workspace environment so they can become integrated into the team and productive as soon as possible.

Other checkpoints along the way… 

Security, updating and training are biggies in the modern workspace journey, but there many other checkpoints to consider, too… 

Document storage

Nothing causes office chaos more than lost documents or data. So you need a robust file storage strategy, including tools like  SharePoint and OneDrive. This also allows IT to ensure the right protections are in place.

Device management

Devices are the heartbeat of the modern workspace. Microsoft Intune paired with Windows Autopilot is like a magic wand for device management. New gadgets ship directly to users, auto-configure themselves, and can be reset in a snap if issues pop up.

Physical workspaces

Physical offices are still in the game, but they need to be enticing! Create spaces where employees actually want to come in – think collaboration zones, quiet corners, and social spots. Don’t forget your remote warriors either. Tools like Microsoft Teams Rooms help bridge the gap between office and remote workers, making everyone feel connected.

Reviewing your licensing needs

As your workspace grows, so will your love for Microsoft 365. Keep an eye on your licensing to make sure you’re getting the best bang for your buck. You might find you can ditch some old-school solutions and save a few pennies.

In the dynamic modern workspace journey, personalisation is key. So which checkpoints can you ‘check’ off your list? And which do you still need to ‘check in’ at?

Want to understand where you are on your journey?

Why not book in a Microsoft 365 health check so we can help you show your next steps on your modern workspace journey?